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ESSER Use of Funds

Grand Valley BOCES Use of Funds Plan

ESSER Funds Allocated 2020-21 through 2022-23


As we moved to remote learning in late 2020, we realized several of our classrooms lacked technology and infrastructure to support online instruction. We also use Panopto, a utility for lecture-capture, recording, and distributing information to remote students that integrates with D2L; however, we were limited as data cabling and equipment was too outdated to fully support online delivery of instruction. Using ESSER funds to improve educational technology, we  replaced data cabling and fully upgraded two classrooms and three lab spaces with equipment necessary to better meet the needs of students. These upgrades have set the standard for classroom technology for our entire campus and improved student access to programs through remote learning.


An essential part of the BOCES mission is to facilitate concurrent CTE programming and to otherwise support high school and middle school students in our service area. This is primarily School District 51 (Mesa), but also includes districts in surrounding counties - Delta, Montrose, Garfield, and others. Learning loss or unfinished learning because of absences caused by illness and quarantine procedures (students and teachers) has had significant impact on students, not only academically but on their broader health and well-being. SD51 reports that among its secondary (6-12) students, even with being in-person last year, their sense of belonging was only 39%. Unfortunately, School Engagement was even lower with only 30% of students reporting that they felt engaged in their learning environment. While all students have experienced unfinished learning, some groups were disproportionately affected. During the 2021 school year, roughly 15% of SD51 learners spent all or a portion of the school year in a full online program. These learners lost more ground than their comparative peers who attended in person, and students in the online program had a disproportionate representation of high poverty (FRL), Special Education (Moderate and Intensive needs), and social-emotional needs. Similarly, students who have individualized plans such as IEP, GT, and CLD also experienced lost learning due to the difficulties of providing specialized instruction in remote settings. These challenges were amplified by low parental engagement in support of online learners, especially at the secondary level. As a result, these student groups have had a difficult time re-acclimating to in-person learning during the 21-22 school year. In response, SD51 leadership developed numerous strategies to support both academic unfinished learning loss and promote student social and emotional well-being. CMU Tech/GVBOCES will support the district and others by providing tuition-assistance for learners to participate in its academic summer camps, which provide an inclusive, hands-on, learning environment reflective of the academic setting experienced by learners in their home schools. The academic, social/emotional, and mental health benefits of the program will be measured as part of a larger district initiative to determine the level of success of its ESSER III plans, most significantly through existing beginning, middle, and end-of-year testing and surveys (DIBELS, NWEA, IAs, CMAS, and SAT/PSAT). Additionally, data related to office referrals, suspension and absenteeism, and growth on individualized plan goals will be measured. The district has also implemented a Capturing Kids Hearts initiative that includes various tools and surveys that can determine progress on the implementation goal.

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